Things I Know to be True
If we were to jump right into the deep end here, we could argue that our society has lost sight of truth in many ways. We live in a world where we get caught up in thinking all sorts of false truths - more is more, bigger is better, we can achieve happiness on our own accord. And the real truth is that joy comes from someone greater.
But there's other things that are always true, too. Or things that are almost always true ☺
If the windshield is foggy or snow covered, it's always worse in front of the driver. Last winter had such an abundance of bad weather. Preparing to move and currently living in the middle of nowhere, Ben and I somehow were always caught in it. I can assure you, every single time we were, the passenger always had the better view of the road.
The hike is always longer than it seems. This is especially true when hiking with my bff, Nicole, who always says we're "just one more switchback away" for the entire hike.
Goldfish make a perfect travel snack. Whether your flight is at four am or nine pm, you're hungover or well-rested, there's nothing better than Goldfish when traveling. Personally, I believe adding a Diet Coke makes for the perfect combination.
Babies make people smile. It doesn't matter who or where you are, if you have a baby with you, people will smile. It's always so surprising to me how genuinely joyful people become at the sight of those little humans.
Pictures of people, not things, will always be more meaningful in the long run. Years ago, I read this in a travel hacks book. I've thought about the concept quite a lot amidst my travels since then, and it's so true. You can google a picture of every landmark, but to have pictures of those you love in those amazing places is so special. I was reminded of this even more in cleaning out my parents' house. My dad was huge into photography. I love the photos we've found of his that are simply artistic and of inanimate objects. But even moreso, I love the pictures he's taken of our family. It's so incredible to get to discover those moments he captured.
People will always appreciate the door being held for them. There's just nothing better than feeling welcome and cared for, especially by complete strangers. A few weeks ago, I was carrying Quinn in her carseat into the chiropractor. A man held the door for us, and I hurried to catch it, so he didn't have to wait. He was quick to tell me not to rush. In the grand scheme of his day, it was such a minuscule amount of time he waited for us, but I'm still thinking about how kind that was.
Popcorn tastes better a day later. This might only be true for a handful of us, but wow, I love day old popcorn.
Reading a map will always be a useful skill. It was especially useful on our annual girls' trip this past summer, when my friends and I drove through ALL of Great Smoky National Park before finding a good map that showed us where the trail head we were looking for actually was.
Everyone wants to feel seen. If we always kept this idea at the forefront of our minds, I think we'd all be much more generous, loving, and joyful.
The stairs are always faster than the escalator or elevator (when able-bodied).
Grandmas are great cooks. According to the majority of the students in my class, their grandma makes the best pancakes. Maybe it's because of the years spent mastering their craft, or maybe it's because the love between grandparents and their grandchildren is so special.
Chocolate and dessert are always a good idea. I'm sure it's not always the healthiest choice, but I'm also certain that I don't want to live a life devoid of them.
What are some other things, big and small, that are always true?
I think life can be a lot more predictable than we think. And I think that predictability can add so much beauty, humor, and joy to otherwise mundane things. AND that beauty, humor, and joy can point us further to the capital T Truth in life. That there's goodness in everything and all goodness is of God and from God just because he loves us. HOW RAD IS THAT?!