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Aren't Blogs Irrelevant?

The blogs that seem to matter have existed for years, and it seems that many people start blogs only to quit them within a few months. Instagram and other platforms lend themselves well to influencers, and the internet is so crowded and polluted with an abundance of information and opinions.

So why was one of my 2022 resolutions to start a blog?

I like social media. I have learned so many life-changing things from the people I follow on social media and love feeling connected to all my people from all the seasons of my life. However, I also think social media is a challenging place to show up authentically. As scary as it is, I want to share my heart with the world, but only if you're interested. Social media isn't a place for me to dump my thoughts, but a blog provides the space for just that.

Even though the internet is full of people blogging and posting and advising, it's hard to find people showing up authentically. So much of the internet is monetized, and that changes things. With this blog, I'm not planning to make money; I love my job as a teacher. Without the business side of things, I have the freedom to show up as I am.

In the last three years in my classroom, I've dove headfirst into my writing instruction. Writing is one of those things that the more you do it, the better you get and the more the ideas flow. I'm constantly preaching that to my students and encouraging them to just get the ideas on the page and share them, despite the imperfections. This blog is a real way for me to do that alongside them. Modeling that courage in vulnerability will be so powerful for them.

Maybe no one will read these musings, maybe only a handful will. Maybe I'll post weekly or monthly or I'll quit after this year. I can guarantee that it will be far from perfect. I'll be here, messy hair, messy writing, and all. But I've come to realize that when I show up feeling slightly uncomfortable and incredibly intimidated, I grow. Maybe we can grow alongside each other.


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I'm so glad you're here. My name is Jenn. I'm a teacher, wife, sister, and friend. Reading, writing, traveling, and making the perfect latte are a few of my favorite things.

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